Our Mission

We Employ Amazing People with Learning Difficulties & Autism

The Washclub is a soap online retailer centred around employing young adults with learning disabilities and autism. Our employees are an integral part of our company from start to finish. Some of their jobs include artwork design, packaging and performing. When you become a Washclub customer you are empowering another young adult with employment.

Embracing Differences, Creating Opportunities One Soap at a Time!

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We are looking to make a change in our community through Soap!!

5.1% of adults with a learning disability known to their local authority in England are in paid work (NHS Digital, 2021)

We support some amazing individuals with amazing talents and skills, they just need a mindful employer that can unlock these abilities.

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Our Collections

Join Our Washclub Rewards scheme

Sign up for our Loyalty Program and start saving on your favorite soap products! Collect reward points with each purchase and enjoy discounts on future orders.

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Director of Independence Clubs CIC

Andrew Denny

Back in January 2022 Layla met with me. I wanted to create a business to support people with special needs and Autism to tackle the difficulties they face in gaining employment. Layla could see the passion and drive and strong ethos that myself and the Independence Clubs CIC held and agreed to sell her business to us! Layla still has involvement with The Washclub and thats great for us as she has a wealth of knowledge and this ensures we have a great team to help grow the business.



Welcome to The Wash Club, our family enterprise formed from our love of fantastic real soap. A journey that began in 2015 with a visit to master soap makers Savon de la Licorne in Marseilles.

Collectively we have all committed to reducing our waste, particularly plastic, and thinking about our collective ethical responsibility and environmental impact.

Our mission is to source and supply products that we love that meet our family values; plastic free, sustainable and zero waste.